For pain management and post-surgical rehabilitation, through restoration of tissue length and decompression of joints. Have your movements felt more restricted or less mobile, due to accidents, injuries, surgery or lots of high impact living? When conventional therapies and stretching take you only so far, consider adding Myofascial Release to jump to your next level of healing.
Myofascial Release is about adding a light pressure, traction or stretch to an often painfully restricted and contracted area of the body. The response is a gradual lengthening of your bodies tissues (muscle, tendon, ligament, fascia, nerve) without the need for it to defend and therefore oppose the shift. The time factor taken is what allows the body to release a painful or contracted area and why your body will lengthen its tissues. This then allows for the restoration of range of motion; the increase in flexibility and decrease in pain, and very importantly, the re-alignement of your bones, particularly the spine. When the human body receives impact, from a physical, mental or emotional blow, it literally tightens & contracts. Usually this is released in due time, but these days, we usually receive too many impacts to release the previous ones. Our bodies tighten in the fascia, muscles, bones, tendons & ligaments. Eventually, once too tight, we experience loss of mobility (sometimes called ageing), pain, spinal or pelvic shifts (one leg shorter), compaction(loosing height) and a whole host of undiagnosed ailments and issues (ever heard the phrase "its all in your head"??). Myofascial Release helps with injuries that cause pain & decreased mobility, for scar tissue and adhesions, repetitive strain issues, decompressing joints, spine & neck. It is gentle and slow, working to restore ease of motion-your ability to move well, again. When your body's defence system is not engaged, the tissue will actually lengthen and have the chance to move back into equilibrium, thereby allowing your bones to move back to their correct positions, on their own, without cranking. In Sports, Myofascial Release improves performance by lengthening bunched muscle fibres and thereby promoting improved muscle signalling, which means improved strength & endurance. It increases flexibility, keeps muscles long and lean, helps with rehabilitation With surgery, Myofascial Release accelerates healing, reduces scar tissue, increases mobility and decreases post-surgical trauma and complications. |